What Is Job Hate?

What is job hate? Job hate is the thing that overwhelms you every Sunday evening. The thing that makes you angry every Monday morning.

man in bedJob hate is the thing that overwhelms you every Monday morning.

Yes, job hate, you know what I’m talking about. It’s when you just do not want to be where you are. 

What a horrible, horrible feeling. It makes you sick to your stomach. It gives you anxiety attacks.

Exhausted womanJob hate will drive you to mental exhaustion

Job hate is something that if you don’t do something it will drive you to mental exhaustion or worse a mental breakdown.

What if I can show you how to fix it? 

What if I told you how to love what you do? 

Big statement, yes?

In this page of content, 'What is Job Hate?' I will give you all you need to overcome the issue of job hate. 

It might not be what you want to hear, however, it will change how you think. 

It might change your future.

To Be Clear, What is Job Hate?

If you are feeling stuck in a job you despise. You are exhausted before you leave home well you have job hate.

woman sitting back taking notesYou're not alone—hundreds of millions hate their jobs.

You're not alone—hundreds of millions of people face this challenge every day. Statistics show that over 50% of the planet's workforce hates their jobs.

OK, Let's Start From The Beginning, "What is job hate?"

Can we agree you didn’t start your present job hating it?

You didn’t apply for the job thinking, “I am applying for this job because I hate it”. 

No, of course, you didn’t.

So, what went wrong? At what point did you say, “I hate this fucking job!”

I Hate Going To work

Take yourself back. What happened?

Did you change?

Did the job change?

Did it suddenly go ‘boom’ not the job I signed up for? 

Did it change gradually?

Give yourself a ‘good sit down, warts and all’ counselling session.

woman on a loungeAt what point did you say, “I hate this fucking job!”

Before jumping to any conclusions, it’s crucial to understand why you feel this way. 

Job hate can stem from various factors. Identifying the root cause is the first step toward finding a solution.

Now write it down in your notebook. 

Analyze what went ‘pear shape’ and how.

Here Are Some Common Reasons

Toxic Workplace Environment

toxic work enviromentSeriously, how can you stay in a toxic work environment

Over time unhealthy dynamics, poor communication, or negative colleagues can make any job unbearable. It is a process that most often starts with a change of personnel or management.

Lack of Growth

Feeling stuck without opportunities to advance or develop new skills. Again it happens over time. You don’t notice it until you do. Then the rot sets in.

Misaligned Values

When your work doesn’t align with your personal beliefs or passions. 

This is a doozy! 

It was always there. 

Your values just changed. 

Mostly because of maturity. You grow the job doesn’t. 

This is a common issue.

Burnt Out

Overwhelming workloads and lack of support can drain your energy and enthusiasm. Work-related burnout is internally generated by management. 

Frustrated womanYou virtually explode under the pressure. Job hate burnout.


Economics drives employee burnout from pressures on margins. Margins are squeezed and the poor worker (you) picks up the slack. More productivity and more and more. Until you virtually explode under the pressure. Burnt-out. This is mortifying.

Low Pay

Financial stress adds another layer of frustration. On the back of economic downturns, margin squeezes, recessions etc. You are doing more and getting no pay rises.

So, there are some of the common reasons for job hate. Feel free to add to the list according to your self-diagnosis.

Get more help in the related pages section.

Moving Forward. How You Going To Fix Job Hate?

By you understanding the “why” behind your job hate. That's how.

So What Do You Do?

Take the time to dig into the past. Get as much information about the “why’ and your emotions as possible.  How you 'gonna' do this? By writing in your notebook. Cue the journal.

Journaling Exercise to Pinpoint the Problem

In your notebook, Title it - "What is job hate?". Then start by answering these questions:

  • What specific aspects of my job make me unhappy?
  • Are there tasks or moments I enjoy at work?
  • How does job hate impact my mental and physical health?
  • Can I address these issues by speaking with my boss or colleagues?
  • Are there opportunities within the company that better align with my goals?
  • Is my dissatisfaction temporary or part of a larger career misalignment?
  • Add other issues you think are applicable e.g. commuting, staffing etc.
emily writing in a notebookYou might be surprised by what opportunities are present when you see them in writing.

Once you’ve pinpointed the issue or issues, it’s time to build some solutions.

Start your plan of action.

You might be surprised by the opportunities available within or outside your current role.

Changes Within Your Current Roll

Emily meets MentorausTalking to your boss about your issues may improve your job satisfaction.
  • Talk to Your Boss: Express your concerns and suggest changes to improve your job satisfaction.
  • Switch Roles or Departments: Sometimes, a lateral move within the company can reignite your passion.
  • Request Flexible Arrangements: Remote work, flexible hours, or a reduced workload could help.

Outside Your Current Role

  • Career Change: Research industries or roles that excite and align with your skills.
  • Freelancing or Starting a Business: Consider building something that gives you autonomy and purpose.

When You Should Change Jobs

Taking Action

Taking action can feel daunting, but even small steps can make a significant difference. The key is to know why, create a plan and take action.

Invest in Yourself

Invest in yourself by acquiring skills that can open doors to new opportunities. 

Work on Something You Like

Platforms like LinkedIn, Coursera, and Skillshare offer affordable options. Search your local area.

Add this to the action plan.


Always be networkingTake every opportunity to 'network'
  • Attend industry events and build connections on LinkedIn.
  • Update your resume and cover letter to highlight transferable skills.
  • Set aside dedicated time each week for job applications.

I know this can be boring, but gut it out. You may be surprised at what you learn. Always be networking.

Protect Your Mental Health

Please take this seriously when processing job hate. It’s crucial to prioritize your well-being. Stress and burnout impact your mental and physical health.

3 Starting Points for Managing Stress and Burnout

1. Practise Mindfulness

meditation in a chairTake a course in meditation therapy. It will calm you. This is highly recommended to get you through the tough times.

Techniques like meditation or deep breathing can help manage stress. This works. Stick to it. You will benefit greatly.


2. Set Boundries

Avoid overworking by setting clear limits between work and personal time. Keep on top of this. It is easy to say “yes”, start saying “no”. 

3. Seek Support

Talk to friends, family, or a therapist about your feelings. Do not be afraid to seek help.

Knowing When To Quit

Sometimes, the best solution is to move on. If you’ve exhausted all efforts to improve your situation and still feel unhappy, it’s time to plan your exit. 

3 Safety Steps to Transition to a New Role

1. Build Financial Security

documenting a business planBuild a mini financial plan. Bank six months’ worth of expenses. Seek the services of a financial planner where possible.

Bank six months’ worth of expenses before leaving. For more general advice involve a financial planner where possible.

2. Secure a New Job Foremost

Where it is possible, line up a new position before quitting. Good practice.

3. Resign Professionally

Write a polite resignation letter and give appropriate notice. Leave with dignity.

Create a Plan for the Future

Once you’ve made a change, keep growing and ensure you don’t end up in the same situation again. Do not do 'job hate' again.

mentoring a studentEngage a mentor and start a long-term partnership. This is the best asset you will ever acquire.

Get yourself a mentor and start a long-term partnership. This separates ‘wannabes’ from achievers. 

This Is The Gold Pass

The Advantages of Having a Mentor 

Setting Long-Term Career Goals

  • Define your career vision. Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?
  • Break it down into actionable steps and timelines.
  • Regularly evaluate your goals and adjust as needed.

All these elements should be done in concert with your mentor. That is what a mentor does.

Focus on Continuous Improvement

  • Commit to lifelong learning and self-improvement to remain adaptable in a rapidly changing job market.
  • Keep records of everything. 
  • Be accountable. 
  • Celebrate small wins.

Relatable Pages

You might get more info here.

  • Choosing a mentor the right mentor is essential to leaving your present self and building the future you.

    choosing a mentor

    Choosing a mentor the right mentor is essential to leaving your present self and building the future you.

  • Work-Life-Balance is a topic that many people struggle with. "I hate my job" is a common theme. They want to start a business. They think you must choose one over the other. This is not so


    Work-Life-Balance is a topic that many people struggle with. "I hate my job" is a common theme. They want to start a business. They think you must choose one over the other. This is not so

  • Many guys in your position have discovered the advantages of having a mentor.

    Advantages of Having a Mentor

    Many guys in your position have discovered the advantages of having a mentor.


Is it normal to hate your job?

Are you kidding? Remember over 50% of the workforce of the planet hates their job. Something like 85% dislike what they do. So you are in good company. You are not alone.

Yes, it is normal.

How can I quit without burning bridges?

Be professional. Give adequate notice and offer to help with the transition. Leave on good terms with your colleagues. Maintain your dignity.

Am I unemployable?

Probably not. However, if you are continually experiencing job dissatisfaction then it might be good advice to turn your skills to starting a business. Be your own boss.

What is a normal time span to get a new job?

Depending on the economic circumstances, prevailing conditions, job skills, and personal situations the normal period is within 3 - 6 months.

Where to get help.

Help is always available. A vocational career office is a good place to start. 

Networking, always be networking.

Keep putting yourself out there. 

Search for a mentor. 

A mentor with experience is an asset. 


I have endeavoured to bring to you the tip of the iceberg for the question, 'What is job hate?'

Subscribe to my monthly newsletter to get inside information and personal stories.

What is job hate? Well it is not a permanent state. This you need to know.

Understand how you got here.

Reflect on your feelings, explore all options, and take actionable steps. 

Create a career that aligns with your passions and values. 

Change takes time and every small effort you make, brings you closer to a happier and more fulfilling career.

Keep records of your journey.

Get a mentor.

Seek financial planning advice.

When You're Ready to Take Control

Start your journey to career happiness today!

When you’re ready to take action - take action.


Don’t procrastinate.

Grab a free mentoring session here... 

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In the meantime…Can I ask you a few questions?

How many jobs have you had?

How long have you lasted on average?

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