Advantages of Having a Mentor 

There's Many Advantages of Having a Mentor 

If you hate your job and are considering a career change or starting your own business, this article is for you.

woman at her computerConsidering a career change or starting your own business, this article is for you.

Many guys in your position have discovered the advantages of having a mentor.

Many people think that a mentor is a guru a business owner has. Well, that may be so. However, a mentor is someone who can guide you as well. Guide and mentor you to breaking the brain-draining dilemma of hating your job.

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” - Oprah Winfrey.

Hope, that is what it is all about. It is never about money. If you ever lose money, it can be replaced. Losing hope, well, that is catastrophic. Never lose hope. Get help.

Mentors provide guidance to some of the most successful people in the world, helping them to reach their fullest potential.

How to Utilize the Advantages of Having a Mentor

There are many ways to use a mentor. Casually, or on a permanent on-call basis.

The initial step is to organize a free consultation in the view to see if expectations align. From there, it is a matter of what works regarding expense and time-frames. Nothing is set in concrete. The advantages of having a mentor are well, the advantages. Pure and simple.

Choosing the right mentor

With a prescribed time frame and remuneration package fitting your needs, a plan of action is decided on. The success rate using a personal mentor is much better than a mentor directly employed by a business. The vested interest in their continued employment becomes a factor.

Having said that, the advantage of having a mentor is the primary objective.

The advantages of having a mentor will typically assist an individual in developing a plan for achieving the goals. Whatever that goal is. All goals start as a dream and are then massaged into a plan, a blueprint for building a new direction. Whatever that looks like. Maybe a startup, accelerating an existing business or a life plan. This is the advantage of having a mentor.

Think of a mentor as an essential part of your future for both businesses and individuals.

The advantages of having a mentor are massive, and many people don’t realize what they’ve missed out on until they actually have one.

Mentors speed up your life skills and tutors you in preparing for change. 

Mentors can help you accomplish anything from starting a business to improving your emotional intelligence. 

It is an advantage to get yourself a mentor sooner rather than later.

Not being able to see the forest for the trees

It is sometimes a matter of not being able to see the forest for the trees. Someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole.  Many times, using a mentor as a second pair of eyes is all that is needed for the penny to drop. The ‘ah ah’ moment. That ‘I get it’, cry when you DO GET IT!!!!

Most success occurs directly from need, frustration, an awful experience, or the burning desire to do something better. Maybe a change of occupation. Discovering what you love to do is all that is needed.

Using time to think, research, develop plans and collaborate with a mentor can make the difference between ‘hero’ and ‘zero’. The difference between despair and exhilaration, frustration and positivity. Need I go on? I think you get the picture.

If you are frustrated with your lot in life, it is time to consider the advantages of having a mentor.

mentor and clientMentors can help you accomplish anything from starting a business to improving your emotional intelligence

For the rest of your life, have a purpose and a plan of action. Having a reason for a life plan puts you in the top 10% of the population of the planet. How is that for motivation?

As long as you have a plan, a passion, and the desire to succeed, you are on your way.

Define your own vision of success

No one else can or should tell you what your success will look like. Don’t waste time worrying about what your MBA friends have done, or successful buddies have done. As long as you have a dream for a better life, a plan, the passion, and the desire to succeed, you are on your way.

Take an inventory of you

Right now, this very moment, take stock of what you have - the good - the bad - and the downright ugly. 

Get down and get dirty. Lay it all out. 

Get a notebook find a quiet place, and in longhand write your balance sheet.

Debits and Credits

For example:  

Credit                                                      Debit

I am up for change.                                   I hate my job.

I am healthy.                                            I am frustrated.

I have a roof over my head.                       I owe money.

I have an excellent partner.                        I am lonely.

I love to create music.                               I have no friends.

I have friends I trust.                                 I hate commuting.

And so on until you have exhausted your thoughts. Now put the notebook away. Go for a long walk. Clear your head. Tomorrow I want you to get out the notebook and add and elaborate on the stuff you wrote yesterday.

Now you're cookin’. 

As silly as it sounds, you are on your way to bedding down your dream. Now all you need is to go and get a mentor to help you to the next level. On the way to discovering what can be - by seeking the advantages of having a mentor.

The mentor you share these experiences with will be a friend and confidant for life. Trust me. I know this firsthand. The most important thing in the whole world is having someone to collaborate with. So damn important. Some have a partner, great. Many have not, or a partner that doesn’t get it.

Choosing a mentor

Choosing a mentor can be somewhat daunting. Take your time. Again, it doesn’t have to be the right or wrong mentor. You can always change. Settle on one that has experience and he or she understands you. The most critical thing about choosing a mentor is to always look for experience. As is my motto, “Experience isn’t the best teacher it’s the only teacher”.

note taking and recording progressAs long as you have a plan, a passion, and the desire to succeed, you are on your way.

I leave you with a story, as I’m inclined to do

Jimmy had been working at as a dispatcher for a warehouse business for five years, and he hated his job. Every day felt like a struggle, and he dreamed of starting his own business. 

A trusted friend was so concerned about Jimmy’s well-being he mentioned the idea of having a mentor. He suggested that when starting a new venture this should be the first step. 

Jimmy hated his job so much he took his friends’ advice. He decided to reach out to a successful mentor he had heard of and admired and asked if they would mentor him.

The mentor agreed, and they began meeting regularly. In the first meeting, they developed a trust and laid down the ground rules. 

In essence, they were quite simple. Be honest with each other, have respect for each others’ opinion, and if at any time it was not working for any of them, they would split. No further exposure would follow. They both agreed.

The mentor helped Jimmy first and most importantly establish his dream in written form in a notebook.

Only then, after a long discussion of dissecting the real from the unrealistic did they agree to the next step. 

Transitioning from his current job to starting his own business needs a plan of action. The mentor provided guidance, support, and accountability, which gave Jimmy a reason to move forward with confidence and take the leap.

With his mentor’s help, Jimmy successfully launched his business and found a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment in his work. He realized that having a mentor was the key to unlocking his potential and overcoming the challenges of starting a new venture. As a side issue, it gave Jimmy a line of communication to discuss issues both good and not so good that will arise. Without someone to talk to someone who has experienced the highs and lows of starting a business, it can be very lonely and debilitating.

Waiting Can Be Risky

The longer you wait around for the right economic conditions or the right moment, the greater the chance of wasting your time and risk going in the wrong direction.

Start before you are ready

I say that deliberately in that the start is to contact a mentor. Never think about starting a business, or leaving the job you hate before you are ready and have discussed options with an experienced mentor.

You will know when it is ‘go’ time. It’s called preparation. Please know 90% of all startups fail. You need to change the numbers in your favor and the advantages of having a mentor go a long way in making this happen.

Take advantages of having a mentor. I continually harp on this for a reason. I know it works, and it works big time. It is the game-changer.

Improve, grow, improve, grow

Building a business means creating something people want and need. Simple. Build it. Modify it from the feedback and make it better. Improve, grow, rinse repeat.

Growth in business requires systems and processes. An experienced mentor will guide you in producing this and make you responsible and accountable. 

Do not underestimate the value and advantages of having a mentor, an experienced mentor. They are your golden egg. When you have the right fit, never let them go. I personally have had the same guy for over 40 years. Yes, I still meet at least a couple of times a year.

The mentor you share your experiences with will be a friend and confidant for life. Trust me. I know this firsthand.

When to get help

You can give up and stay in the job you hate. The job that is destroying your soul and your dreams. You can quit and get a better job and this might be an option. Your call. Or you can take advantage of having a mentor to get these questions answered and move forward.

Staying in a job you hate will eat you up and cause a multitude of issues you do not want.

The answer?

You know what I’m going to say.


In the future, when you look back you will understand this was the vital pivotal point for your success. 

Take stock of exactly where you are and do something about it. 

For those who currently feel stuck and sick to the stomach, with frustration of work issues, you know who you are; I beg you to seek help.

An experienced mentor can make the world of difference.

Mentors have a way of identifying when you are kidding yourself and pointing out limiting beliefs that keep you back from achieving your dreams. An experienced mentor will guide you to your limits and will help you grow and get what you really want out of life. How do you know you have the right mentor? A good mentor will never let that thought enter your mind. Gold.

While your mentor is not your friend, so to speak. Your mentor will stand with you and support you and help you succeed. Your mentor will become a friend, a friend for life.

The world is littered with this combination of entrepreneurs and mentors who have gone on the journey and remained friends, trusted friends till the end. 

The right mentor will hold you accountable and challenge you in ways that may feel uncomfortable. However, with their support, you will grow more than you think is possible.

A great mentor will never tell you what to do or offer advice. Instead, your mentor will help you identify your options and come up with the best choices based on your goals and what you want to achieve.

Some of the most famous people on the planet have used life coaches and mentors, such as Oprah, Bill Gates and millions more. Bill Gates put it best when he said: “Everyone needs a mentor. We all need people to give us feedback. That’s how we improve.

2 guys at a deskWhile your mentor is not your friend, so to speak. Your mentor will stand with you and support you and help you succeed.

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience