Choosing a mentor to guide you to change from the job you hate to starting your business could be a sound move

Things are going to be tough. How much tougher is it than going to work in a job you hate every day. Now that is tough!

You know the deal. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

In order to change, it is imperative to get the right advice, support and on-going guidance. It’s not to say you don’t have a clear vision and process to get started, but a mentor can provide the experience by mentoring you in your time of turmoil. This will save you anxiety, stress, time and money.

Choosing a mentor with experience

A good mentor has experience in these issues. It matters not what the job is. It matters that the mentor has experience in finishing and starting a change in your life and can offer valuable insights into how best to do it.

An experienced mentor also understand what kinds of challenges you'll face–both common and unique.A good mentor can help guide you with confidence.

How I met my mentor

I virtually stumbled on to my mentor not realizing what I had until many years later.

I met John, who owned the business to which I joined as an independent agent to sell his product. It was an excellent product. He had a vested interest in me doing well so the WIIFM Radio was full volume. WIIFM is “What’s In It For Me”. There was plenty in it for John and for me to do well and sell his product. There was plenty in it for me as well. So I started my business career selling a product developed by John. My very first business.

istockphoto-1313904539-170667a.jpegJohn picked me up when I was down. Discussed the areas I was having an issue with. My life long mentor.

John picked me up when I was down. Discussed the areas I was having an issue with. Help me overcome fear from call reluctance. Taught me how to deal with rejections. Celebrated my wins. Instilled a way of thinking and communicating with my prospects and customers I still use to this day.

At the time, I just saw John as a business owner surely going to be successful if I and other agents sold a significant amount of products to make him rich. I got it. Didn’t worry me at all in the early years. Then as you do as is human nature you think you can do the developing your own products better and you start your own agency and be the boss man. Be the manager the true owner operator.

What did John do?

True to the man he was, he helped me. He could have made life difficult and blow me out of the entire business before I got started. But he did not. He mentored me in the issues he knew I would come up against. Not in the producing the products or sales. No, he mentored me on things like processes, dealing with failure, building a sound business plan. How to stay positive and business life. It seemed like my whole time being exposed to John was leading to my future outcome. What a future I had. Now I am paying it forward whenever the opportunity arises.

There you have it friends. Your mentor may be closer than the think. The up-shot of this true story is John has been my greatest critic my greatest supporter, and still is. Even though now we are both retired, or at least retired from that industry. When you have run a successful business, you can never retire. It’s like “The Hotel California” ‘You can check out but you can never leave’. Love the Eagles.

Having a mentor on board with your vision will encourage you when things get tough, and things will get tough.

If they believe in what you’re doing, then there’s no one better to lean on for strength during these times!

Starting your business with a mentor requires time. Quality time, so you and your mentor can collaborate until you are both happy with a clear understanding of both your rolls. What the mentor’s responsibilities are and what yours are.

It can be a daunting task to finish up in a job you hate and start your own business. There are so many things to consider and so many fresh adventures to take on. Having the proper support can guide you through the maze.

Choosing a mentor the right mentor can give you that support.

Choosing a Mentor Gives Support 

the well-meaning brother-in-lawIt is never a good idea to have a member of your family or a close friend be your mentor.

A good mentor will be someone whom you can trust. They will be someone who has been through similar successes and failures and can offer you advice and guidance. They will be supportive, but will also critique your progress objectively according to your plan.

The key to finding and choosing a mentor, the right mentor is to be proactive. Make a list of what qualities you are looking for in a mentor and put it into action. The most important quality is someone with experience of being in a similar position you are in. Experience in the path forward. And experience in starting a business and growing it. Guiding you through the various stages to maturity business thinking.  

Begin by networking with people you know and trust. 

Gather names and recommendations. Once you have a list of potential mentors, it’s time to reach out. Take the time to connect. Explain why you are looking for a mentor, how you would benefit from their help, and how you would commit to following their advice. Be specific. The work done here has a massive impact on the result. If all goes well, your mentor may be just an email or a phone call away.

Choosing a mentor the right mentor is essential to leaving your present self and building the future you.

By being proactive and reaching out to people you know and trust, you can find the right person to help you reach your potential.

Think about large businesses

Just think about a large businesses for a moment. They have a structure that produces the best results for the business. It’s called a board of directors or better still an advisory board.

Think of this as a panel of mentors. All have experiences and backgrounds in specific areas. 

Board of directorsLarge businesses have a structure that produces the best results for the business. It’s called a board of directors. It should be no different with you moving on to starting a business. Your mentor is your board of directors.

It should be no different with you moving on starting a business. Your mentor is your board of directors.

If you take the time to research the business forums, you will find a general theme. Many contributors wished they had made use of a mentor much earlier in their business life than they did.

Says something doesn’t it?

Remember, "Everybody who is anybody has somebody".


It is not a good idea to have a member of your family or a close friend be your mentor. Go outside the family and friendship circle. Choose wisely.

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience