Systems and Processes 101

Part 2

Following on from part 1, Systems and Processes 101, discovered the surprising similarities between building systems and processes in your personal life and building effective systems and processes in a business.

If you hate your job and are unhappy with your lot them it is time to evaluate your personal systems and processes. I know it doesn't sound like it relates. Trust me this is gold.

This is a primary factor to changing your life, maybe changing your job or building a successful business if that is your pathway. 

It's also the primary factor of failure.

In my experience it all starts and ends with your systems and processes 101.

What, you don't have any systems and processes?

Well, here's your opportunity to become who you want to become.

Welcome to MENTORaUS. com.

I am so happy I have found you.

What I am about to do is guide you in the fundamentals of building your own systems and processes with analogies of how and why it works.

If you are not cutting it the way you visualized. If you are not happy the way things are, then the following information will make a difference.

This information will change your life forever. 

Big call I know.

"What proof have I got?" I hear you ask.

Well, me as a starter. I have sat where you sit. Felt like you feel.

Over the last 20 years I have mentored hundreds of people just like you who suffered from chronic job satisfaction.

I was introduced to this method over 50 years ago.

Yes, you've worked out, I been around awhile.

You see I was just like you. I hated my job. I hated my boss, I hated most of my work colleagues and truth be known I hated myself. I was a first class miserable, negative son-of-a-bitch. 

To cut to the chase, I met a guy who changed my life. He taught me what I am going to teach you. 

"Systems and Procesess 101

"How To Unlock Your Personal and Professional Potential" 

The Sum of Your Habits

Your current life today is essentially the sum of your habits. Your habits are the systems and processes to function in your life. How to create systems and processes 101 is the beginning.

man with bad habitsBad habits can cause debilitating depression.

It’s the habits that you’ve been following for say, the last six months, the last year, or the last ten years that have carried you to whatever results you have right now.

Remember this phrase: 

“You are where you are and what you are by the dominating thought that occupies your mind”.

If you’re enjoying excellent results now, you were killing it six months ago. The quality of habits and how they build up and compound is really the process you’ve been running for the last while. You have used consciously or unconsciously systems and processes 101.

Laughing happy womanSpot the difference.

If I dumb this down and simplify it and use the phrase systems versus the goals process, then what I am saying, is if you do not rise to the level of your goals you fall to the level of your systems.

 System versus Goals

Don’t worry if you’re not getting it yet, you will. Keep reading.

Your Goals

What is Your Systems and Processes 101

To be more precise, your goal is like your desired outcome. Your target is the thing that you want to achieve. Then what is your system? 

gearsEach little habit is like a gear in the overall machine.

Your system is the collection of daily habits that you follow, so each little habit is like a gear in the overall machine.

If you optimize your habits, you are optimizing your systems and you naturally rise or fall to whatever level the result is - to whatever the system is running toward.

Stay with me!

The Gap Between Your Goals and Your Syastems

So, if there is a gap between your goal and your system, if there’s a gap between your desired outcome and your daily habits, your daily habits will always win.

It doesn’t matter how good your intentions are. It doesn’t matter what you hope to achieve, it’s what your habits are carrying you toward that counts.

The great irony of all of this is, we badly want better results in life, we badly want to make more money, reduce stress, find love, change jobs, start a business or be more productive.

The GIGO Formula

GIGOGarbage in - Garbage out

The results are actually not what needs to change. It’s the system and processes that precede the results, it’s the habits that precede the outcome.

It’s like the GIGO formula (garbage in, garbage out). Fix the input and the outputs will fix themselves. 

Why is it we do not intuitively get this?

I don't know.

My mission is to help as many like you as I can.

Think about it, how you are now is what you were doing six months ago, a year ago.

The Results of Success are Always Visible

Championship cup teamWe only hear about the winning team after they’ve won the championship cup.

We only hear about the smash hit musical once it’s a hit not when it’s being written. We only hear about the winning team after they’ve won the championship cup, not while they’re training in the off-season.

The results of success are highly visible and they hide the systems, strategies and processes of success from view. It’s, for this reason, we overvalue results and undervalue the systems and processes. We have really got it arse about.

We become outcome-oriented we become results-oriented. Yes, of course, results matter. You can have the best systems and process 101 in the world, but if you have no reason to test and present against a desired outcome, what’s the point?

The place that you want to focus on is building better habits and developing better systems in view of achieving your desired outcome.

Experienced Mentor

The same goes for your business. An experienced mentor or coach can draw upon all this to achieve your business outcomes and your business goals under the business plan and blueprint.

Business plan

How To Solve an Issue. Look Upstream

Dead fishThe fish are dying, the water is cloudy, and algae is growing, then the resolution is guaranteed to be upstream.

Here’s the thing. If you have an issue with the pond at the bottom of the stream. Like the fish are dying, the water is cloudy, or algae is growing, then the resolution is guaranteed to be upstream.

Did you get that? Guaranteed.

Real examples:

Issue - Health is deteriorating from obesity. (downstream)

Solution - Evaluate your past 1,2, and 3-year eating habits. Change the system and processes.(upstream)

Issue - You are tired, listless, grumpy, and irritable.(downstream)

Solution - Look at your sleep cycle, your exercise regime, your binge snacking, and your alcohol intake over the last 6 months. Work stress levels, deadlines, etc. Stop and smell the roses. Change the system and processes. (upstream)

Do I need to go on?

I think not.

You get the picture.

Keep Records

recorded-keepingYou need to keep records. I know I bang on about this simple method constantly, but it is such a dynamic part of your personal and business success.

It starts with the systems and processes 101.  The good habits.

The outcome will take care of itself.

Do not settle for being a victim of your habits. Become the architect of them.

If You Never Know Where You Have Been You Will Never Know Where You Are. 

You need to have some sort of self-awareness. You need to identify what you are actually doing. You need to keep records. 

 Keep Records

I know I bang on about this simple method constantly, but it is such a dynamic part of your personal and business success.

If you never know where you have been you will never know where you are.

A clearer understanding of where you currently stand and where you want to go is the key. Keep records.

recording recordsRecord keeping is vital for a successful business. If you don't know where you've been, you'll never know where you are going.

Your 'Upstream' Today is Your 'Downstream' Tomorrow

One of the most motivating and satisfying feelings for the human mind is the feeling of progress. If you are making progress, you have every reason in the world to continue. You are moving forward.

Start today. Change the narrative upstream. The upstream today is the downstream tomorrow.

Yes, it’s good to keep your goals and outcomes in the forefront of your mind, but it’s imperative to work on your systems and processes 101 and your good habits every single moment.

Blake's Story

I wasn't going to tell a story in this part 2. However you know me, I can't resist.

bakeryBlake was passionate about baking but lacked business smarts.

Blake, was a client of mine and this is his story.

Blake had small business called "Baker's Bite,". When he was referred to me he was  struggling to make ends meet. Blake was passionate about baking but lacked business smarts.

This is a typical issue with people who start a business built upon their passion. Don’t get me wrong. Passion is the great driver of all great businesses. 


I could see after our first meeting Blake was barely able to keep the business afloat and pay the staff.

I realized he needed to make significant changes in his business if he wanted it to stay afloat and  succeed.

I advised and mentored him to create systems and processes to streamline operations.

At first, he was hesitant about implementing changes in his business. However, after explaining the advantages and disadvantages he began to see the benefits of getting the systems and processes in place.

I had him document all of his recipes, ingredient lists, and production methods. 

He then created a schedule that ensured his staff was working efficiently and products were delivered on time.

After just over 8 months with the new systems and processes in place, Blake started to notice a significant improvement in his business.

His staff became more productive, and the quality of his baked goods improved.

I also had him track his expenses and income. This assisted him in documenting and making decisions built on true value and inputs in real-time.

Baker's Bite started to turn around. I was so proud of what Blake had achieved in a short period of time. He took on the role of a businessman and not a baker.

Work on your business not in your business.

His business boomed attracting more customers, and experienced staff.

He created a night shift and employed a night manager.

Blake's revenue began to increase. He was able to pay off his debts and expanded his business by opening a new branch.

His reputation grew, and soon he was getting orders from local restaurants and cafes.

Thanks to the systems and process 101 he took onboard and implemented, Baker's Bite went from near bankruptcy to success in under a year. 

Blake learned, running a successful business required more than just passion and creativity.

It also required discipline and organization.

He was grateful for my mentoring and guidance.

Together, we had turned his struggling business into a thriving one.

One of my best efforts. 

PastriesNow you tell me. Can you resist this stuff? Honestly, I put on over 10 lbs.

I also got to eat too many pastries. I think during my time with Blake I added at least 10 lbs. Well, maybe a little more my wife informs me.

It was worth it to see what a turnaround Blake was able to achieve.


To change your life, maybe even hate your job a little less. With consistent effort and creating good habits with systems and processes 101 you will achieving your desired outcome.

In both personal development and business development, it’s important to have clear goals in mind.

Clear Goals

Whether you’re trying to build a successful business or improve your personal well-being. Having a specific, measurable outcome in mind helps you stay motivated and on track.

It’s important to constantly evaluate and adjust your habits and systems based on what’s working and what’s not.

By keeping and reviewing records allows you to continuously improve and refine your approach.

Accountability is key to success. Find yourself a mentor. 

Having someone to answer to can help keep you on track and motivated.

Finally, both personal development and business development require flexibility.

You may need to adjust your habits or systems based on changing circumstances or new information.

Keep records, record everything.

Being adaptable and open to change is essential for long-term success.

Go to Part 1

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