Impact of coaching and mentoring

The impact of coaching and mentoring can have a profound effect on your business growth. It can provide a supportive and structured environment and development when starting a business.

A coach or mentor can help you identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement, and provide guidance, feedback, and accountability to achieve your goals. The relationship between the coach or mentor and the entrepreneur is collaborative, empowering, and can lead to increased confidence, better decision making, and improved performance.

Coaching and mentoring have become an essential tool for personal and professional development in today's fast-paced world. With the right guidance and support, individuals can unlock their full potential and achieve success beyond their wildest dreams.

The impact of coaching and mentoring when starting a business can be the difference between success and failure, profit or loss or growth and stagnation. Engaging a business mentor can significantly increase your chances of success much sooner.

Engaging a coach or mentor when starting a business is the smart move. 

Put simply a business mentor is a professional who has experience in business. It matters not what the business is. As I’ve said before, “business is business”.

mentor with grey hairAlways go with the grey hair experience.

A mentor can provide guidance, support, and insight to help you navigate the ups and downs of starting a business. Mentors can also help you avoid pitfalls and help make the most of your resources to achieve your goals. Engaging a business mentor is a crucial step in giving you the best opportunity for success.

Having a grey haired experienced mentor will provide guidance, support, and insight to help you navigate the pathways to growing a successful business.

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  • Following the content of this book will have a beneficial effect on your attitude. 
  • These systems and processes bring your goals to life and introduce a profoundly effective approach: writing them down in longhand.

“Ink Your Future” turns your dreams into reality. It starts with something as simple as putting pen to paper. 

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The impact of coaching and mentoring for Start-Up Success

Guidance and Support.

A business mentor can provide the guidance and support that you need to succeed. 

Business mentors have a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from and can provide practical advice on how to negotiate the business world.

They can help identify opportunities, overcome obstacles, and assist in making informed decisions to benefit your business's growth.

A business mentor can provide emotional support, by helping you stay motivated and focused during the challenging early stages.

network meetingMaking contacts is an important part of the process of business development.

A business mentor can help develop a network of contacts and resources, critical for success. 

These relationships can help you gain access to financing, marketing opportunities, and other resources, helping to grow your business.

Avoiding Pitfalls

Starting a business can be risky, and many entrepreneurs make mistakes impeding their progress and ultimate success. 

A business mentor can help entrepreneurs avoid these pitfalls by providing guidance on many issues such as:- 

Financial management. 

Risk management. 

Business strategies. 

Business planning.

Marketing strategies. 

Further helping you to refine your pathway to a successful startup. 

Engaging a business mentor is crucial for start-up success. They provide guidance, support, and insight to help entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of starting and growing a business. 

With their wealth of experience and knowledge, business mentors can help you avoid common pitfalls, make informed decisions, and achieve your goals. The impact of coaching and mentoring should be taken seriously.

If you're considering starting a business, engaging a business mentor should be your number one priority.

How engaging a business mentor developed a successful business.

This is a story of a client of mine called Sarah (not her real name, to guard her privacy). 

Sarah had always dreamed of starting her own business, but she was unsure of how to do it. She understood starting a business was going to be a challenging process. She didn't have much startup capital and wanted to minimize the chances of mistakes and maximize her chances of success.

speaking at a meetingEngaging an audience is a business development asset that can be mentored.

Sarah and I met at a networking event. I had been in business for over 20 years and had successfully started and grown several businesses. I must have impressed her with my charm;) Well, it was probably my knowledge and experience, truth be known,

I did have a good track record.

I was a speaker on the day I remember it well. I did not give a good presentation in my view but I must have hit a nerve somewhere with Sarah.

After I’d finished and in a break, she sought me out and started engaging in a Q & A. In the end, she asked if I would be willing to mentor her. 

Sarah was working in the hairdressing business and thought it was time to break out and start a business for herself.

I agreed.

I have to say I know little about the hairdressing industry. But, business is business. I do not care what industry it is you want to start in. The fundamental issues are the same. Business planning, process and systems, goal setting, personal and business development, staffing, sales, admin, and so on. I explained this to Sarah, and she couldn't have been more grateful.

hairdresserThis is Sarah's passion. When you do what you love doing, it's never work.

With my guidance and support, Sarah was able to navigate the complexities of starting her hairdressing business. 

I provided practical advice on how to identify opportunities, overcome obstacles, and make informed decisions that would help her business grow. I also helped her to develop a network of contacts and resources that were critical for her success.

“chunky chievers”

I taught her the importance of setting clear and achievable business goals. I explained why having well-defined goals would give her direction and motivation, and help her focus her efforts on what was most important.

I encouraged Sarah to start by setting big-picture goals, such as increasing sales, expanding into new markets, or launching a new product and service. I taught her to break down these big-picture goals into smaller, more manageable goals that she could work towards. These smaller goals were what I called “chunky chievers”.

For example, Sarah’s big-picture goal was to increase sales and traffic to her business, I helped her to break it down into smaller goals like improving her marketing strategy, creating a brand, increasing her customer base, and streamlining her sales process. Setting achievable and realistic time frames to achieve this made it achievable.

Cinch by the inch, hard by the yard.

We met every 2 weeks in the early stages then monthly then on demand whenever Sarah needed solutions to rising issues. 

I initiated Sarah to think outside the box to bring valuable insights into her industry. I mentored her in seeing the business through the eyes of her customers. Observing and understanding market trends. Customer behaviour, and what the competition is doing.

I directed her to take on an apprentice and also a part-timer. I pushed her to become the businesswoman I knew she could become. I felt her passion for her trade. I got her to continually work on her business, not in the business.

This helped Sarah make informed decisions about her business strategy and helped her avoid downturns in the economy. There were times I provided emotional support helping her stay motivated and focused during the challenging early stages of starting a business. Sometimes, no most times I was there to simply listen. I was the sounding board. This, to me is the epitome of the impact of coaching and mentoring.

expanded salonSarah expanded the salon adding more chairs and creating an economy of scale.

Sarah's business became a huge success. She opened more salons and created her own products and services. 

She gave back to the community in hairdressing for nursing home patients. Sarah was doing what she loved to do and was in total control of her destiny.

Could she have done it without the services of a business mentor? Possibly. But I am convinced it would have been more stressful and more costly.

She was able to avoid common pitfalls, make informed decisions, and achieve her goals sooner. 

I know she was grateful for my guidance, help and support. Sarah has said many times to me personally and others that she couldn't have done it without me. Me being a humble soul, I’m not sure. I was there, to be there when she needed someone.

From this story, you can see the importance of engaging a business mentor for your start-up. 

This story is repeated more times than you would imagine. Mentoring works.

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The impact of coaching and mentoring  can provide many things.

mentoring a studentDefining the path ahead is vital for a successful journey.

A business mentor can provide many things some tangible some intangible. 

Sure the guidance, support, and insight to help you navigate starting and growing a business are the primary service. However, there is much, much more to engaging a business mentor to guide you right from the start than you can realize.

Engaging a business mentor can have a profound impact on the success of a start-up. 

A business mentor can provide valuable guidance, support, and insight to help entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of starting and growing a business. 

They can help entrepreneurs set clear goals and break them down into smaller, more manageable chunks, and provide the motivation and support needed to achieve success.

In Sarah’s story you saw the positive impact a business mentor can have on a start-up. The impact of coaching and mentoring in all it's power and glory.

Sarah was able to avoid common pitfalls, make informed decisions, and achieve her goals thanks to mentoring guidance and support. 

This is one example of the many which a business mentor can help entrepreneurs achieve their dreams.

If you're considering starting a business, engaging a business mentor should be a top priority. 

With the right mentor by your side, you can increase your chances of success and achieve the business of your dreams.

I encouraged Sarah to develop both personally and professionally. 

I recognized success in business is not only about having the right skills and knowledge to drive a business but also about personal and professional development. I continually encouraged Sarah to focus on both aspects to become the best version of herself.

I encouraged Sarah to take time for self-reflection and introspection to understand her strengths, weaknesses, and personal values. I taught her how to use this understanding to develop a personal vision for her life and her business. 

With a clear understanding of her personal values and priorities, she was able to make informed decisions that aligned with her goals and aspirations.

I also had Sarah focus on professional development by providing her with opportunities to attend industry events, network with other business owners, and attend workshops and training programs. I introduced her to experts in her field and provided resources and support to help her grow her skills and knowledge.

Through these experiences, Sarah was able to develop new skills, gain valuable insights, and broaden her perspective. She was also able to build a network of contacts and resources that helped her grow both personally and professionally.

Family firstYour great success can never out-trump your great family. Always family first.

I am a firm advocate of the importance of family, and I instilled this value in Sarah from the beginning of our mentorship. I know and understand starting a business is demanding and it's easy to get caught up in work and forget about the things that are truly important.

I encouraged Sarah to set priorities and make her family the top priority. I taught her how to balance her work and personal life, and how to make time for the people and activities that mattered most to her. I also provided her with practical tips and strategies for managing her time and staying organized.

I suggested Sarah set aside specific times each day or week to focus solely on her family and plan family vacations or activities well in advance. I encouraged her to prioritize her family, even if it meant sacrificing some work time or making tough decisions about business priorities. This is so important.

By instilling the value of family first, I helped her maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout. 

She was able to achieve her business goals while still making time for the people and activities most important to her. 

I was so pleased to see Sarah make this a number 1 priority and she would always put her family first.

By focusing on both personal and professional development, Sarah was able to achieve her goals and become the best version of herself by the impact of coaching and mentoring and what its function can do throughout the journey. 


Coaching and mentoring can have a profound impact on personal and professional growth. 

It provides individuals with a supportive and structured environment for self-discovery and development. 

A mentor can help individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement, and provide guidance, feedback, and accountability to achieve their goals. 

The relationship between the mentor and the individual is collaborative, and empowering, and can lead to increased confidence, better decision-making, and improved performance.

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience

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