“I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”.
What a famous line that was.
Do you feel like sticking your head out the window and like Peter Finch in the movie, “Network” and screaming, “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”.
In countless workplaces around the world–“I hate my job!” is the call. A staggering 53% of the global population hates their job.
Here’s an idea: what if you could love your job instead?
What if you could do what you love? Is it even possible? Absolutely.
Is it achievable? Yes, indeed!
And it all boils down to those four comforting words: “do what you love”.
Picture this; you greet each morning not with reluctance but with anticipation.
Your heart races, not out of anxiety, but exhilarating excitement.
You don’t hit the snooze button - you jump out of bed
You greet the family with a cheerful remark, instead of a grunt.
You just love to be up and at it.
Am I getting a bit over the top here?
I think not.
You’re already thinking about the day ahead and the work you are going to do. Because you love what you do.
You can’t wait to get started.
How do you get to do this?
It begins with a desire to get out of the rut. Discover what is possible.
Deep within you resides a dream, a spark, a passion, an ambition waiting to ignite you with purpose, turning dreary Mondays into promising beginnings.
The first step is identifying all this and transforming your dreaded job into what the future can look like.
It could be a latent talent, a dormant interest, or enhancing a hobby or as simple as an ardent desire to better your lot in life.
Here is a quote from Paul J. Meyer which beautifully summarizes and simplifies the rules for success in life:
"Whatever you vividly imagine,
Ardently desire,
Sincerely believe,
And enthusiastically act upon,
Must inevitably come to pass."
The magic lies in your power to grow the happiness and satisfaction in your life.
Once you’ve discovered this, it’s about nurturing it. Learning, growing, honing, and expanding your beloved pursuit. It is entirely feasible to shape it into a profitable profession or a thriving business. Get that notebook out again and sit in a quiet place and figure out your natural ability.
The prospect might seem daunting amidst uncertain economic conditions, but this shouldn’t be a deterrent. In fact, taking control of your destiny during such times can be like buying stock at the bottom of the GFC.
There is so much upside. Think about it.
The fear of leaving your comfort zone and diving into the unknown can be overwhelming. I get it. Yet, the most significant paradigm shifts occur when you muster the courage to do precisely that!
The path to “doing what you love” may be uncharted, but it is teeming with the joy of discovery and self-realignment.
The right time is now. Yes, it takes faith and a resilient belief in your passions, a commitment to your dream. Every unforgettable journey commences with a single step taken with assurance and determination. You just need to have a go. What have you got to lose? Think about it. Much more upside than down.
An essential part of this journey is breaking away from procrastination and just doing it.
If not now, when?
Make a plan, and set goals with timelines. Any plan is better than no plan.
The trick is to break down your larger goal into ‘chunky chievers’, focusing on progress over perfection, and action over endless planning.
Do not overthink it. Don’t get that dreaded thing called paralysis by analysis. I’ll have more to say about this in other content.
A common misconception: shifting from a soul-sucking job to a fulfilling pursuit is a luxury only afforded by a privileged few.
Embarking on this transformative voyage is a conscious choice open to everyone. Whether it is working for yourself or attaining the dream job.
Translating your decision into tangible action is where the real magic happens. It can be as simple as enrolling in a course to build your skills, creating a rough business plan or finding a mentor/coach/guide/teacher to encourage your success.
To fuel the transition from “I hate my job,” to “do what you love,” is this nugget of truth - “Life’s too short to do something you hate!”.
Let’s call it as it is. When you make the decision to change and get out of the rut; the road ahead is not always smooth. There will be bumps, hurdles, and setbacks on the journey to doing what you love. Your response to these roadblocks separates the men from the boys. Get help when you need to. Have your mentor/coach/guide/teacher on standby.
Keep in mind the end game: a happier life full of opportunities and wealth, driven by your passion.
If that doesn’t soothe the nerves, what does?
When you do what you love, it is never work. It doesn’t feel like a job. It is a beautiful part of your life journey. It becomes a labor of love—a glorious dance that sets your soul ablaze.
Doing what you love isn’t about only chasing dreams; it’s about practicality too. When you pour your heart and soul into your work, it doesn’t just feel fulfilling; it also yields heightened productivity, creativity, and output quality. Guaranteed.
Consider this; doing what you love can even transform the very definition of wealth. Monetary success becomes a byproduct of your passion, with the main ‘wealth’ being satisfaction, joy, and personal growth. I have seen this transition time and time again. The thing is, so have you. You just haven’t noticed it. You will. When you change your mindset a magnificent attribute kicks in. It’s called selective perception. When you get it, you will see opportunities and real-life situations everywhere. Fact.
As an example, have you ever dreamed of owning a prestige vehicle? Maybe a Mercedes Benz roadster. When you lock it in, you will see them everywhere. The thing is, they were always in plain sight. You never saw them.
Let’s not forget the ripple effect it creates. A happier you radiate positive vibes, fueling healthier relationships and a richer personal life. It’s no overstatement to say that doing what you love can virtually revitalize and change your entire life! You will be a much more positive person. This rubs off to family and friends.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Take a deep breath and know that change is a process, not an event.
Transitioning to a job you love is no exception. It requires patience, persistence, and faith in the possibility of a better tomorrow.
You don’t have to be alone on this journey. A mentor/coach/guide/teacher is there for the asking. Use it.
You and only you have the power to redefine your future. To switch from just existing to truly living. To transform “I hate my job” into “I’m living my dream”, “Do what you love”.
Now, take a moment. Visualize yourself doing what you love.
How different is your future from your current situation? What can bridge this gap? This exercise presents an opportunity to make the move to rid yourself of the rut and chase this vision.
The decision-making process to change from a job you hate to a job or business that you control isn’t a leap into the abyss. Rather, it’s a teachable process to highlight the journey and transition you towards a brighter future.
So, here’s your license to dream, to step out of the ordinary, and boldly declare,
“I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”.
“I choose to do what I love!”.
Yes, you can move from hating your job to controlling your destiny. From surviving to thriving. From procrastination to progression. From uncertainty to the dawn of a promising, purpose-driven professional adventure. Are you ready for it?
Everyone who is someone has somebody.
Yes, you can easily do it alone. It’s much more efficient and faster to use a mentor/coach/guide/teacher.
If you need any further advice, I’m here for you.
Go you good thing. The world is waiting for someone like you.
Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.
Confidence comes from experience