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Aug 30, 2024

Working on your business not in your business


Working on your business not in your business. 7 Ways to Give Your Startup the Best Chance of Success by Working on Your Business, Not in Your Business

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Aug 27, 2024

Systems and Processes 101 The primary factor to build a business

Laughing happy woman

Discover the surprising similarities between building good habits and effective business systems and processes 101.

Continue reading "Systems and Processes 101 The primary factor to build a business"

Aug 24, 2024

How to manage a business

An unhappy man

Are you among 90% of workers who hate their job? Do you dream of starting a business but are unsure how to manage a business?

Continue reading "How to manage a business"

Jul 31, 2024

Advantages of Having a Mentor


Many guys in your position have discovered the advantages of having a mentor.

Continue reading "Advantages of Having a Mentor "

Jul 26, 2024

I Can't Keep a Job

Rachel in a coffee shop 2

I can't keep a job, Rachel muttered to herself, staring at the rain-splattered window of the café.

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Jul 18, 2024

Finding A New Job 

man looking in a mirror

Are you feeling stuck in a job where the first thing you say every morning as you stumble out of bed is I Hate My Job, It’s time to talk about Finding a New Job

Continue reading "Finding A New Job  "

Jul 18, 2024

How to find a job

An unhappy man

Here’s how to find a job and go from a job you hate to a job you love. Maybe that’s stretching it a bit, so let’s go for a job you like better than the job you hate.

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Jul 15, 2024

Do you like your job

Man lounging at his desk

Do you like your job? Well, do you? Job satisfaction is a tricky subject. You either hate or dislike your job, or somewhat like what you do.

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Jul 14, 2024

choosing a mentor


Choosing a mentor the right mentor is essential to leaving your present self and building the future you.

Continue reading "choosing a mentor "

Jul 10, 2024

How to make extra money

Man sitting in a park writingin a notebook

In this article, I will show you how to make extra money. Extra income to make a call to quit and build a business.

Continue reading "How to make extra money"

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cliff climber

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.