How To Manage A Business

Are you among 90% of workers who hate their job? Do you dream of starting a business but are unsure how to manage a business?

An unhappy man90% of workers hate their job. Do you dream of starting a business.

If you don’t know where to start, and you want to learn how to manage a business, this website is for you.

Bookmark it now. Return often to get all the information you will ever need to start and build your business.

Is the fear of failure holding you back?

The unknown keeps you awake at night?

I know how you feel. You see, I was in your shoes long ago - stuck in a job I couldn’t stand, yearning to be the controller of my destiny. 

If this is you read on, it may strike a chord and inspire you to take the next step.

worker and the bossA simple disagreement tipped me over the edge. That was it. I decided enough was enough. This time I just knew. Time is up.

Enough was enough

One day just a simple disagreement tipped me over the edge. That was it. I decided enough was enough. Talk about pivotal moments. The thing was, it wasn’t anything that had not happened before, but this time I just knew. Time is up.

I couldn’t spend the rest of my life dreading going to work every morning. I knew I had to make a change. So I took a leap of faith, quit my job, and started my business. And you know what? It was the best decision I ever made.

Flight attendant serving drinksI felt like a cog in a machine at the mercy of the roster clerk. I had no control over my life.

Taking the Entrepreneurial Leap

I worked as an overseas flight attendant for 5 years. The work was sort of glamorous in the early years, but at the end of the day, I was still  working for a paycheck (which was not much). After years of swanning around the world and seeing the same old places, it all became ho-hum. Boring and repetitive. I felt like a cog in a machine, completely unrewarded and absolutely at the mercy of the roster clerk. I had no control over my life.

I wanted so much more. I had innovative ideas and a burning entrepreneurial spirit. But I was afraid to act on it.

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The Fear of Failure

What if I failed? What if I couldn’t pay my bills? What would my wife think? These doubts plagued me and kept me stuck in that miserable job. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. With the support of my wife, I quit and started my business. I had a vision of doing things differently, doing things right - putting people first and using my people skills to create customers and sell my product.

I won’t lie - the first years were tough. I had to hustle to get more clients and made many mistakes as I blundered on learning how to manage a business. 

couple drinking coffeeWhenever I was down, I always looked back on the alternative. This was way better. I had an incredible sense of freedom, purpose, and control over my life.

Whenever I was down, I always looked back on the alternative. This was way better. I had an incredible sense of freedom, purpose, and control over my life. 

For the first time, I was excited to “go to work” each day. Slowly but surely, my business started to grow. There is no feeling in the world that comes close to achieving your dream, seeing your vision and your decision manifest into reality.

I know many of you can relate to my story. You’re fed up with your current job situation, but you’re afraid to make a change. Let me tell you - the fear of failure is completely normal. Anyone who has ever started a business has felt it. The key is learning how to overcome it.

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Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Reframe how you think about failure. It’s not the end of the world if your business doesn’t work out. 

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs failed multiple times before making it big. Failure is simply a learning opportunity. 

Each setback teaches you important lessons that help you improve and do better next time

man writing in a notebookTake the time to write as many details as possible in your notebook. Write all your business ideas and describe your target market.

Have a solid plan in place before you leap. Have a good idea of what you’re going to do. Take the time to write as many details you can in your notebook (I am big on having a notebook) all your business ideas and target market. Make a business plan, a financial plan and a budget, at the very least.

The more prepared you are, the less daunting the process will feel.

Finally, surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and your vision. 

The sooner you do this next step the better. Get help with starting a business.

Get yourself a mentor who has been through the startup journey and can offer guidance. 

Where the Rubber Hits the Road

Once you’ve got the fear issue under control, or at least understand that it is real and it’s normal, the proper work begins. 

Knowing how to manage a business is no easy feat, but with the right systems and processes, you can set yourself up for success. 

Here are some important things to keep in mind.

Stay organized.

Keep on top of your finances, especially revenue and expenses.

In a startup, you wear many hats. 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed. Many business functions can be outsourced. Things like accounting, social media management and even a virtual personal assistant.

Nothing Happens Until a Sale is Made

The art of persuasion and sales skills are things you need to learn and learn well. A good mentor can help with these skills. Understand the sales process. 

Here is a universal rule: nothing happens until a sale is made.

Keep at it. Enjoy the process. 

Presenting to the baord.Here is a universal rule: nothing happens until a sale is made.

Building your business and seeing it grow with all the ups and downs is a tremendous achievement. Never take yourself too seriously. Have fun. Learn from your successes and failures. Keep records.

How to Manage a Business and the Rewards of Being the Boss

I’ll be honest, building and managing your business is work. Then again, if you love what you do, it’s never work.

You’ll likely put in more hours than you ever did at your 9-5 job. The job you hated. I can tell you now from 35 years of experience, it’s worth it. The rewards of managing your own business, building an asset, and having control of your destiny are unparalleled.

You will have the freedom and flexibility to build a business and life you love. For many of you, this will be the first time. You will look back and see this as a pivotal moment in your life.

sailorYou are building a business and life you love. For many of you, this will be the first time. You will look back and see this as a pivotal moment.

No more asking for permission to take a vacation day or leave early for your kid’s ball game. You’re in control of your schedule. For me, that meant being able to travel more and spend extra time with my family.

There Is No Limit To How Much You Can Earn

Then there’s the financial upside. While success certainly isn’t guaranteed, there’s no limit to how much you can earn as a business owner. You’re not stuck with a fixed salary decided by someone else. The harder you work and the more value you provide, the more money you can make.

Perhaps most importantly, learning how to manage a business and starting your own can lead to an immense amount of personal growth. You’ll develop new skills, greater confidence, and a resilience you never knew you had. Entrepreneurship has a way of pushing you outside your comfort zone and unlocking your full potential.

Embracing a New Way of Life

If you’re feeling stuck and unfulfilled in your current job, I want to encourage you to consider starting your own business. 

It’s not the right path for everyone, but if you have that desire, that urge, that dream to do your own thing, just do it.

With good planning, hard work, and a willingness to embrace change, you can escape the 9-5 grind and build a business and life you truly love.

Yes, there will be challenges and setbacks along the way. But the rewards of greater freedom, flexibility, meaning and financial opportunity make it all worthwhile. 

Letting Go Of The Fear

Take it from someone who has been there - letting go of the fear and taking that leap into entrepreneurship just might be the best decision you ever make. 

Learning how to manage a business your business is not achieved in a day, week or even a year. It can take years to understand your destiny. 


By learning how to manage a business with systems and processes, a blueprint for growth, a written plan, and attention to detail you can break free. 

It can be the best time of your life. 

We are not here forever. 

This is not a dress rehearsal. 

So get up, get planning, get a mentor and make a decision.

You’ve got this!

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience