So What Do You Do

So what do you do when you hate your job?

It’s the question you dread when you’re stuck knee-deep in the mirk of disillusionment with your job.

Man sitting in his office in despairWhen you’re stuck knee-deep in the mirk of disillusionment with your job.

You’re part of 53% of the workforce who share the sentiment of “I hate my job”. It’s not just the job that sucks, the thing is it effects your whole well-being and very part of your life.

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Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

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Confidence comes from experience

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Understanding The Basics

So what do you do when you find yourself dreading Monday mornings?

Monday morningThe dreaded Monday morning. It doesn't matter what the calendar indicates. It is the workday morning of another day of a wasted life doing the thing you hate.

Firstly, accepting that you’re unhappy is crucial. You cannot change something you won’t acknowledge. 

Feeling trapped, stuck, or burned out isn’t a badge of honor - it’s a red flag. 

Working in a job you hate can lead to stress, depression, and even physical health problems.

You may already see these signs.

Once the reality of the issue sinks in, it’s time for introspection.

What Is It That Bothers You About Your Job?

Sitting on a park bench writingGet out your notebook. Go to a quiet place and write in longhand exactly what it is that bothers you about your job.

Is it the office politics, the tedious work, or a boss who seems to have it in for you? 

Jot it down. Get out your notebook go to a quiet place and write in longhand exactly what it is. Take it apart. Elaborate. Write until you can’t add any more. Read it back. Correct and add more.

Understanding Why You’re Unhappy

Understanding why you’re unhappy is the first step towards finding a solution.

Now ask yourself: “What would make you happy?”

Focused on writing in a notebookDetermine what you want from your working life. What would make you happy?

Write It Down

Everything from now on is going to be written in your personal and private notebook.

Determine what you want from your working life. Is it more money, more freedom, a chance to make a difference or recognition? 

Once you identify your needs, rank them in order of importance. Write it down.

Now You Have Information

You’ve acknowledged your dissatisfaction. 

You understand the cause. 

You have identified what would make you happy. 

So what do you do?

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Ink Your Future

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In it, you’ll discover…

  • how to turn your dreams into a step-by-step path to  well-thought-out goals.  
  • the power of the pen
  • how to keep motivated
  • a system that is tried and tested
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  • how to set realistic timeframes

How will it help you?

  • The book offers timeless, proven strategies updated for the 21st century. 
  • It explains why goals often fade over time and how using technology, like your smartphone, can keep your goals front and center, pushing you to achieve them. 
  • Following the content of this book will have a beneficial effect on your attitude. 
  • These systems and processes bring your goals to life and introduce a profoundly effective approach: writing them down in longhand.

“Ink Your Future” turns your dreams into reality. It starts with something as simple as putting pen to paper. 

Imagine a life where your dreams become real. Your goals are achieved through a proven process, and modern technology helps track your success.

So, whether you’re wanting material possessions, yearning for a promotion, changing jobs or building a startup, this book will help you create a path forward.

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So What Do You Do...When It’s Time To Decide?

Should you make changes within your current role to meet your needs, or is it time to quit?

If you’re leaning towards changing your job, remember, it’s not as scary as it appears. 

We’re creatures of habit, and the thought of change can cause fear. I get you.

Fear should inform your decisions, not control them.

Research Plays a Vital Role

Researching at a deskResearch all the possibilities. Explore potential careers that align with your interests and needs.

At this stage, research all the possibilities. Explore potential careers that align with your interests and needs. 

Look for roles where your skills can be transferred. 

Investigate the work culture, compensation, growth opportunities, and anything important to you in potential organizations or roles. 

Write it down in your notebook. There will be time to enter it in a folder on your computer later.

So What Do You Do... When It’s Time to Prepare to Move?

Once you have an alternative path in mind, it’s time to prepare to make your move. 

Update your resume and profile in the ‘socials’, including LinkedIn, and reconnect with your network. 

Let them know you’re thinking of making changes. 

You’d be surprised how quickly opportunities come your way.

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. 

You don’t want to move to another place without knowing if it will be better. 

The more research you have the better the chances of not jumping from the frypan into the fire.

So What Do You Do...To Start Your Own Business?

Alternatively, you may decide to start your own business. You’re sick and tired of working for the man.

You want the freedom to call the shots.

You want to be in control of your destiny. 

It’s a big step, but again, fortitude, passion and good planning can carry you a long way.

You’ll never never never know, if you never never go.

If it’s the path to entrepreneurship you’re taking, understand your business idea thoroughly. 

Research your market, draft a business plan, seek financial backing, and put together a reliable, skilled team. It’s daunting but incredibly satisfying.

So what do you do... when you don’t have a business plan?

So what do you do... when you don’t have a financial backer?

So what do you do... when you don’t have skilled team members?

Get yourself a mentor who has experience.

That is what you do.  

Critical, critical, critical.

Don’t Let Hatred Get in the Way

While preparing to move, don’t let the hatred for your current job consume you. 

Take a deep breath and know the future is going to be better. Much better.

Don’t allow it to affect your productivity or relationships. 

Maintain your professional attitude to leave a good impression behind.

And most importantly, remember to maintain a work-life balance during this transition. 

Keep giving time to your friends and loved ones. 

You don’t want to burn out before you begin.

It will be hard work, this I can guarantee. But, it’s work you will love. Big difference. Huge difference.

When you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.

So What Do You Do...If You Stay Where You Are?

2 men talking in an officeCommunicating your issues professionally to your superiors to see if there is some positive way forward.

So what do you do if you decide to stay put and make it work at your current job? 

Change may be possible within your current role. 

You have to approach it strategically.

Try communicating your issues professionally to your superiors to see if there is some positive way forward.

They may not be aware that you’re dissatisfied. 

Discuss possible solutions. 

You never know if positive actions can lead to positive changes. 

Revamp your skills, and learn a new program, a new system. 

Taking up a course or a certification program might bring excitement and open up new possibilities in your current job.

If workload is the issue, learn to say no. Politely refuse to take on more than you can handle. This is often an issue. 

Say no. See what happens.

So What Do You Do...Stay Or Quit?

Whether you decide to stay or quit, understand each action you take is a step towards a happier, more fulfilling life. 

The fact is something has to change professionally and personally.

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Meet Abby

Abby at the bakeryAbby hated her job but was afraid to leap into the unknown. She always dreamt of starting a bakery business. She moved it from a hobby she loved to a business she knew would give her the greatest joy.

Please allow me to introduce you to Abby.

Abby was a loans manager at a regional bank. She had worked there for 7 years.

Abby hating her job but was afraid to leap into the unknown.

She often found herself feeling frustrated, angry and stuck. She suppressed her dream of starting a bakery business, moving it from a hobby she loved to a business she knew would give her massive satisfaction. 

One day, she decided she’d had enough. 

She quit.

Her decision wasn’t reckless. It was based on self-awareness, research, and preparation.

She didn’t shy away from the feelings of frustration and fear; instead, she used them to fuel her motivation.

Today, Abby runs a successful bakery and feels more fulfilled than ever. Yes, there were days of doubt, but she realized that moving forward was the only way. She openly talks about her past fear and confusion and writes the occasional blog about her story.

So What Do You Do...What Are YOU Going To Do?

Grey haired man pointing So what do you do - stay enduring the hate or do something about it - the choice is yours. Tap into the courage within you because you are more resilient and capable than you think.

What about you? 

Do you keep festering in hatred and despair or take control? 

Make a decision? 

Get help?

Search the internet? 


Look, the facts are, you can make yourself look as though you are making progress - but are you? 

So What Do You Do...To Take That Step?

A step into the unknown, a step toward change. 

They call it a gamble, a risk, but is it?

It might just be the best decision you ever make.

So what do you do - stay enduring the hate or do something about it - the choice is yours? 

Tap into the courage within you because rest assured, you are more resilient and capable than you think.

So What Do You Do...When You Hate Your Job?

You get out there. 

You make a change, and you carve your pathway to happiness.

You can do it!!!

Go you good thing!