Taking care of business

"Taking care of business" is not just a popular song by Bachman-Turner Overdrive, it's also a vital aspect of success in both your personal and business endeavours.

Bachman–Turner OverdriveBachman–Turner Overdrive.Great group. I'm showing my age. Have a listen to "Takin care of business" Love it

From time management to effective communication, this content page provides valuable insights and practical tips for taking care of business when you are ready to start your own business.

Always be monitoring, managing and running your business to ensure it is profitable, sustainable, and aligned with your goals and values.


congratsCongrats on taking the huge step to start your own business.

Congratulations on taking the leap and starting your own business! It takes a lot of courage to leave the safety net of a steady job and pursue your passion. I'm here to tell you that you've made the right decision and the journey ahead will be both challenging and rewarding.

Taking care of business isn't just about making money or being your own boss. It's about pursuing your dreams, being true to yourself, and creating something that you can be proud of.

You've already taken the first step by resigning from the job you hate and started your own business. Now, it's time to take the next step and soar into the stratosphere.

Allow me to share a story with you

It's the story of how Peter took the step onto the edge of the cliff and soared into the stratosphere. 

It was many years ago, and he was working in a job he hated and  left him feeling unfulfilled. Peter had always dreamed of starting his own business, but he was too scared to take the leap.

LeapingIf I didn’t take the risk and start my own business, I knew I would regret it for the rest of my life. Now it's your time to fly.

One day, he had a conversation with one of his bosses who he had the utmost respect and with whom he got on well.

He told him if he didn’t take the risk and start his own business, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

That conversation was the catalyst that Peter needed. It was his time to fly. His time to take the first step. He resigned from his job, not long after and took out a loan, and started his own business.

The first few months were tough. he worked long hours, barely making any money, and questioning whether he had made the right decision. He kept pushing forward, knowing that this was what he was meant to do. Peter started to see small successes, which gave him the confidence to keep going.

Fast forward many years, and his business was thriving. He had an outsourced team and a loyal customer base, and was doing what he love to do.

When looking back, he can’t believe he was ever scared to take the leap. Starting his own business was the best decision Peter ever made. He is grateful every day for the courage it took to do so. If you read my about me page, you will have another very similar story.

looking at roadmapIt's time to map your journey. You’ve already taken the first step by resigning from your job and starting your own business. You should be proud of yourself for taking that risk, but the journey is about to begin.

Enough about me. Let's talk about "Taking care of business". Your business.

Now, let’s talk about your journey. You’ve already taken the first step by resigning from your job and starting your own business. This takes a lot of courage, and you should be proud of yourself for taking that risk, but the journey is far from over. It’s only getting started.

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Ink Your Future

ink your future. thunbnail

In it, you’ll discover…

  • how to turn your dreams into a step-by-step path to  well-thought-out goals.  
  • the power of the pen
  • how to keep motivated
  • a system that is tried and tested
  • a process to never forget your goals
  • how to set realistic timeframes

How will it help you?

  • The book offers timeless, proven strategies updated for the 21st century. 
  • It explains why goals often fade over time and how using technology, like your smartphone, can keep your goals front and center, pushing you to achieve them. 
  • Following the content of this book will have a beneficial effect on your attitude. 
  • These systems and processes bring your goals to life and introduce a profoundly effective approach: writing them down in longhand.

“Ink Your Future” turns your dreams into reality. It starts with something as simple as putting pen to paper. 

Imagine a life where your dreams become real. Your goals are achieved through a proven process, and modern technology helps track your success.

So, whether you’re wanting material possessions, yearning for a promotion, changing jobs or building a startup, this book will help you create a path forward.

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The first thing you need to do is figure:

Your business plan

What is it you want to create? 

Who is your target audience? 

What sets you apart from your competitors? 

These are all important questions that you need to answer before you start building your business.

It’s a good idea at this stage to be looking around for an experienced mentor (with grey hair;)

Once you have your business plan in place, it’s time to start building your brand.

collage of brandsBrands are distinguishable by their design. Nike, WB, Reebok, Coors. You see, you know what it is. Branding, such an important part of your business.

Your Brand

Create a website, establish social media accounts if need be, and network with potential customers and clients. Your brand is the foundation of your business, so it’s important to get this right. I'll have more to say about this in another page, but branding should be just that... Your Brand.

Many budding entrepreneurs get confused with this. Yes, years ago it was important to have the name mean or say what you do. Not anymore. A brand can be as simple as sign. (think Nike). A brand can be initials of you name. It is not important, it is your brand. Brand it. Work the brand into everything you do. This is the important part.

Get organized

road map of a business planKeep on top of everything. Stay organized to be efficient.

One of the most important things you can do for your business is to get organized and stay organized.

Setting goals, writing a mission statement, having a business plan including a plan of action, creating a schedule, and keeping track of your finances. You need to know where your money is going and how much you’re making to make informed decisions for your business.

“business is business”

Remember what I have said so many times, “business is business” In simple terms, it is ‘revenue’ minus ‘expenses’ equals ‘profit’. R-E=P.

It matters not what your business is. All businesses, from the very beginning, have this simple formula.

getting-business-finances-in-order.jpgBusiness is business. Remember the formula...R-E=P

Support system 

It’s also important to surround yourself with a support system. A partner can help in so many ways in the early days. From support with a supplementary income to helping out with administration tasks.

supportive partnerHaving friends and family members who support you can make all the difference when starting a business. This is gold.

Starting your own business can be lonely and stressful at times, so having friends and family members who support you can make all the difference. This can be a stress-relieving component. You may also want to consider joining a networking group or attending industry events to connect with other entrepreneurs.

Finally, never forget why you started your business in the first place.

Success takes time

Your passion is what will drive you forward, even when times get tough. Stay true to yourself and your vision, and don’t be afraid to pivot if something isn’t working.

man and woman supportingTaking care of business is about pursuing your dreams and setting realistic targets and constantly reviewing progress.

Taking care of business is about pursuing your dreams and setting realistic targets and constantly reviewing progress. By keeping records, you can adjust your business plans and outcomes before it gets unruly.

By taking care of business, you can ensure that your business is successful, sustainable, and aligned with your goals and values.

Remember that success takes time and effort, but with hard work, perseverance, and dedication, you can achieve your desired outcomes.

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Taking care of business is crucial for ensuring the success and sustainability of your business.

It involves planning, organizing, financing, marketing, managing people, continuously improving, and staying focused.

By following your dream, you can create a business that is profitable, efficient, and aligned with your goals and values.

Remember, success takes time and effort, but with hard work, dedication, and perseverance, you can achieve your desired outcomes.

Whether you are starting a new business or growing an existing one, taking care of business is key to your success.

In simple terms, it is ‘revenue’ minus ‘expenses’ equals ‘profit’. R-E=P.

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience

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