How to make a business

To Turn Your Natural Ability into a Profitable Business

celebrating a victory Congratulations! You’ve reached an exciting moment. discovering how to make your business idea feasible.

Congratulations! You have made the decision to quit your job you hate.

You’ve reached the exciting moment in your life where you’re thinking of going your own way. Controlling your destiny. Calling the shots!

Now you need to know how to make a business idea feasible, and how to start your own business.

You have found the right place.

dreams into realitylearn the secrets of success, turning your dreams into reality.

You are here because you are searching for the answers to how to make a business of your own. The world is filled with potential and opportunities for those entrepreneurs willing to get off their asses and have a go.

In this article, we’ll take you on a journey of discovery, a journey on how to make a business not only thrive but become the envy of all startups. 

Unlock your entrepreneurial spirit and learn the secrets of success, the power of a mentor, and the joy of turning dreams into reality.

Part 1: The Birth of a New Business

serving coffeeCoffee fills the air as customers eagerly line up for your unique blend. You greet each person with a smile

Imagine this. It’s a sunny morning, and you step into your newly opened business. The aroma of fresh coffee fills the air as customers eagerly line up for your unique blend. You greet each person with a smile, knowing that your product brings them a feeling of joy and satisfaction. This is what it feels like to be involved in the birth of a new business—a journey that promises excitement, challenges, and incredible rewards.

Part 2: How to make a business expand using a mentor

mentoring a studentAn experienced mentor can propel you toward greatness and help you navigate the intricate maze of entrepreneurship.

Picture yourself sitting across from an experienced grey-haired (or bald as in my case) mentor who has climbed the highs and fought back from the lows of business. Letting his wisdom and experience guide you, painting a vivid picture of what your future might look like. Sharing stories of businesses that started small and transformed into industry giants. 

With his guidance, wisdom and heartfelt sincerity you gain confidence and reassurance, knowing you’re not alone on your quest for success. 

An experienced mentor can propel you toward greatness and help you navigate the intricate maze of entrepreneurship. 

An experienced mentor is your ‘biz shrink’. The goto for all things keeping you up at night. A person to be with and listen to your issues. 

A person that asks questions and listens intensely before offering any answers. It has been my experience as a seasoned mentor that the answers more than likely lie within. I only have to coax them out. Love this part.

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Ink Your Future

ink your future. thunbnail

In it, you’ll discover…

  • how to turn your dreams into a step-by-step path to  well-thought-out goals.  
  • the power of the pen
  • how to keep motivated
  • a system that is tried and tested
  • a process to never forget your goals
  • how to set realistic timeframes

How will it help you?

  • The book offers timeless, proven strategies updated for the 21st century. 
  • It explains why goals often fade over time and how using technology, like your smartphone, can keep your goals front and center, pushing you to achieve them. 
  • Following the content of this book will have a beneficial effect on your attitude. 
  • These systems and processes bring your goals to life and introduce a profoundly effective approach: writing them down in longhand.

“Ink Your Future” turns your dreams into reality. It starts with something as simple as putting pen to paper. 

Imagine a life where your dreams become real. Your goals are achieved through a proven process, and modern technology helps track your success.

So, whether you’re wanting material possessions, yearning for a promotion, changing jobs or building a startup, this book will help you create a path forward.

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Part 3: How to make a business embrace your dreams and desires

visualizingEmbrace your imagination and visualize your dreams. This is a technique and an excellent mentor will guide you in this.

As you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, remember that your dreams and desires play a vital role. Your passion for the product or service you offer is what will set you apart. It’s what makes the difference. 

Embrace your imagination and visualize your dreams becoming a reality. There is a technique for doing this, and an excellent mentor will guide you in this. 

Convert any negativity about starting a business into a positive driving force. Let your ambitions lead you. With diligence, dedication, and commitment, watch your business thrive.

Part 4: How to make a business resilient

stormWhen you know how to make a business thrive, you can navigate through storms and come out stronger.

Weathering storms and extracting success. Every business faces challenges, be it economic downturns or difficult times. However, when you know how to make a business thrive, you can navigate these storms and come out stronger.

By working through the mechanics of your business, extracting the best possible scenarios, and staying attuned to market trends, you can ensure its resilience. Remember, you are in the driver’s seat when you are working on your business rather than in it. 

Trust your gut feelings and make informed decisions to steer your business toward success.

Part 5: How to make a business effective and achieve extraordinary results

supervising staffSupervision is the key. This is the component of how to make a business you work on rather than work in.

Using simple and effective management techniques is the key to making your business work well. Now, although being simple, I am here to tell you this is not the easiest thing to do, BUT do it you must. It is a matter of learning the simple principles of how to manage your business and staff. This is what makes a business highly successful fast.

Knowing how to make a business successful by outsourcing where possible is the future. The business principles of the past are not going to ‘cut’ in the future. Apart from creating well-thought-out business plans and implementing streamlined management processes. The future is in running a business using outsourcing for better margins and much better managerial control.

Supervision is the key. This is the component of how to make a business you work on rather than work in. Trust me.

Listen to your employees, customers, and your own instincts. Take charge and be the driving force behind your business. With simple, efficient management, you’ll extract the best possible outcomes and discover the true potential of your business. You are the quality controller.

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Part 6: How to make a business legacy

passing of the batonWhen you create a business that prospers during your lifetime it becomes an asset. An asset to pass on to future generations.

Imagine the sense of fulfilment when you create a business that not only prospers during your lifetime but becomes an asset. An asset to pass on to future generations. Your knowledge, experience, and implementation of how to make a business survive and prosper will become a legacy, benefiting others for years to come. Embrace the idea of leaving a lasting impact, knowing the opportunities you took will open doors and change lives for generations to come.


Starting a business is an exciting and fulfilling journey, bringing immense happiness and success. 

By following your dreams, seeking guidance from an experienced mentor, and honing your management skills, you can turn your natural ability and your business idea into a profitable business. 

Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and always remember that you have the power to make a difference. 

Let this article serve as your guide, motivating you and inspiring you to make your business a veritable beacon of excellence. 

Now, go, create the business of your dreams! The world is waiting for someone like you.

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience

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