Here Are Some Business ideas

Here are some business ideas. Of course, business ideas are subjective, but on this page, you’ll get a few you will resonate with and may help start your business.

There are hundreds of business ideas available. I want to list 5 of the best business ideas you might like to consider for starting your business. 

So let’s start;-

Here are some business ideas 
No.1 -  Aim. Method. Results. Conclusion

I learnt this from high school. Still works as good today as it did way back then...

Before you start anything new, adapt a different direction or change an old process etc, ask yourself these 4 questions. Better still get a notepad and write them down.

What is the aim? I know sounds too basic too dumb. Trust me, just write it down.

For example; the aim is to decrease our debtors by 50%.

The method is to devise a strong but friendly email to be sent automatically after x days of an outstanding invoice. 

The results to be analysed by the head of accounts at the end of every month and put in a detailed report to the CEO.

The conclusion is to verify the process is working by comparison from last month. If the process needs to be changed, then this will be done and resubmitted to step 1 (the aim) and the process starts again. This is a simple successful business idea that separates the champions of business from the all-so-ran. Increases your chances of success.

There you have the first idea. Aim, Method, Result, Conclusion. Use it, abuse it, make it a part of your business internal process for everything you do.

analyzing dataBefore you start anything new, adapt a different direction or change an old process etc, ask yourself these 4 questions.

Here are some business ideas 
No.2 Time management system

You cannot believe how many business owners are naïve about a solid time management system. A time management system is not a start time and a quitting time. It’s not a scheduled lunch break. A time management system is a schedule of how your business runs. 

Your time management is, well, your time management. In the attempt to keep it simple stupid, you are in control.We all have 24 hours in a day . We have 8 hours of work, 8 hours family/rec time and 8 hours sleep.

Let me explain. We all have 24 hours in a day . We have 8 hours of work, 8 hours family/rec time and 8 hours sleep. So the time management system is set for us, this is the model that’s been around since the end of the manufacturing revolution 

Here’s the thing. When I started my business back in the 70s, I worked my ass off. Sometimes 12 -15 hours a day. Not recommended. Not good for your health and absolutely not good for your family life. This is what I observed and how it changed everything and how I learnt to work less and make more revenue and increase my margins.

I discovered that on a short 4-day week because of a public holiday I got more done than the normal 5-day week. So I changed my work days to a 4-day week. Of course, I had to remain flexible to cater for other situations. I did not take every Monday off or every Friday off for example. I had to stay flexible. The thing is, I made a rule to work as many short weeks as I could. I suppose it’s as simple as working smarter, not harder. A time management system has many moving parts and you need to figure out how it works for you and your business.

Your time management is, well, your time management. In the attempt to keep it simple stupid, you are in control. ‘No shit Sherlock’.

So Time management is your baby. Now, how are you going to manage it?

You know the story. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, blah, blah, blah. How come some people get more done than others? How come some guys do so much in less time? Have you ever thought about this?

The simple answer is they manage their time. Obviously, eh? But wait there’s more. They manage not only their time; they cheat. Yes folks, they cheat. They get more done because they collect more hours in a day than the 24. How do they do that, you ask?

Delegate. That’s how. ‘Simple’

 I will have more to say about this in a dedicated time management page within Mentoraus.

Here are some business ideas 
 No.3  Invest in yourself

By investing in yourself you are creating a four fold return right there.The best investment I ever made was to build my relationship with my mentor.

Everyone will view this differently. For some, it may be a higher education, or developing new skills. For others, it might be developing personal and business relationships or increasing their confidence level.
This is an investment in yourself.

The best investment I ever made was to build my relationship with my mentor.

Never underestimate this powerful business idea.
Invest in yourself continually. Whether it’s an investment in time as I mentioned above or education or mental and physical well-being.

It is important you get yourself on the path to growth through investing in yourself.
A growth minded business is a joy to be part of and I guarantee you will survive and thrive.

Here are some business ideas

No.4 Get yourself a mentor

An experienced mentor is not the best mentor it's the only mentor to engage with. Wisdom is wealth.A person with experience in business you can call on demand. This is a great business idea and a great business game-changer.

Consider getting a mentor. A person with experience in business you can call on demand. This is a great business idea and a great business game-changer.

I looked through many coaching and mentoring forums when researching my online business and the thing that came through loud and clear was that many up-and-coming entrepreneurs and business owners wished they had engaged a mentor earlier in their career than they did. This is a game-changer my friend.

I was so lucky to stumble upon my mentor within the first few months of starting out on my own, and I just cannot put a price on this valuable asset.

There is a quote, I don’t know who or when it was written, but it goes something like this...

“If you cannot find where you’re going, ask somebody who’s been there before”.

The major benefit of a mentor is to provide its client with unbiased opinions and advice by keeping it real and in order. Like a tour guide on a vacation. You want a systematic and orderly way of understanding what it is you are viewing and what is the relevance to my business future. They pass on their knowledge and factual information.

The world has seen amazing people achieve huge things when a mentor was in their corner.

“Anyone who is anyone has someone”

Mentors have always been behind the scenes, pushing and supporting their students to greater heights.

A mentor helps their client to make informed choices and decisions at each stage of their business growth.

They are the beacon that shows the way.

A mentor can provide you with information you may never find without this service.

Your mentor is your sounding board for your business. 

A mentor is not a coach and there is a difference.

A mentor can show you instantly what works and what does not.

The most important role of a mentor is at all times to respect the opinions and ideas of their customer.

If you’re thinking about using a mentor, make sure he/she is a good listener. The trait of an excellent mentor is great listening skills.

You'll find a great mentor will have exceptional storytelling skills.

Here are some business ideas

No.5  Accepting Change

Be prepared to accept change. Embrace it. One thing you can count on in life is change. 

It’s probably the law of the universe CHANGE.

Commit to change. Don't fight it.Whether you like it or not, whatever you’re into, it is going to change. The sooner you understand this the better you will cope.

Whether you like it or not, whatever you’re into, it is going to change. The sooner you understand this the better you will cope. The better you will adjust and the faster you can manage it.

Many changes are out of your control, so don’t sweat it. Make a plan using the Aim Method Result Conclusion process and benefit from it.

I will not labor the point here, but it comes down to goal setting in your business and having a plan to accept change when it hits you.

In my mentoring business, I have a unique skill. I mentor my clients in a process called ‘chunky chieversnot something you’ve come across before, but it is a special business idea I developed over the years and I use it extensively myself and mentor my clients in its benefits. Want to know more? Click here

I could go on and on with business ideas, but here are 5 of my best. Go get 'em. Use them to make a difference with my compliments.

Go you good thing.

I hope to see you at  

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Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience