Creating a Business plan

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Creating a business plan takes in the following elements. It is essential for any entrepreneur or organization looking to achieve success when starting a business.

On this page, I’ll explore the key elements of creating a business plan and how to build a solid roadmap for your future business’s growth and prosperity.

looking at roadmapWhen you don't have a plan. Any road will lead you somewhere.

What is business planning?

Business planning is a process that outlines the goals, strategies, and actions needed to start and grow a successful business.

It is a vital step in the process of creating a business plan and is an important ongoing tool for the growth and success of existing businesses.

Intensive planning helps you clarify your business vision, identify and prioritize key actions, and make informed decisions based on data and analysis.

business planPrioritize key actions. Creating a business plan lets you see in detail what your vision looks like.

The Process and Elements of Creating a Business Plan

The process typically involves the following steps:

conducting market researchResearch your target market and understand the business landscape.

Element #1 - Conduct market research: Start by researching your target market, competitors, and industry trends to gain a better understanding of the business landscape. This will help you identify opportunities and potential challenges.

Element #2 - Define your business vision: When creating a business plan clearly articulate your business vision, mission, and values. This will help you focus on what’s important and provide a foundation for your planning efforts.

Element #3 - Define your business idea: Clearly describe what your business will do, what it will offer, and who it will serve.

Element #4 - Develop your product or service offering: Define the products or services that you will offer and how they meet the needs of your target market.

BullseyeYou gotta know where the bullseye is.

Element #5 - Determine your target market:  When starting a business it is essential to identify and understand the markets' needs, preferences, and buying behavior. This will help you tailor your marketing and sales efforts.

Element #6 - Create a marketing plan: Develop a marketing plan that outlines how you will reach and engage your target market, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

financial planningA business financial plan must include; start-up costs, ongoing expenses, and revenue projections.

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Element #7 - Develop a financial plan: Create a financial plan that includes your start-up costs, ongoing expenses, and revenue projections. This could make starting a business realistic from the get go. It will help you secure the funding needed to start and grow your business.

Element #8 - Organize your business: Develop a clear and well-structured business organization that includes processes, systems, and policies that support your operations.

Element #9 - Create an action plan: Develop an action plan outlining the steps you will take to achieve your goals, including timelines and milestones. You can do all the planning down to the minute degree, but if you don't take action it's a waste of time.

monitoring your planKeep an eye on your plan constantly. Keep records of all details, good and bad. Change and tweak when needed.

Element #10 - Monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor your progress and adjust your plan as needed. Be prepared to pivot if necessary based on changes in the market or your business environment.

road map of a business planBy regularly reviewing and adjusting your plan, you can ensure your business is on track and moving in the right direction. Always keep records.

Business planning is an ongoing process

Planning is an ongoing process that requires discipline, persistence, and continuous adaptation. By following these elements of creating a business plan and regularly reviewing and adjusting your plan, you can ensure that your business is on track and moving in the right direction. Always keep records.

Planning of your business is a vital process that provides a roadmap for the success and growth of your business. 

By conducting market research, defining your vision, developing your product or service offering, determining your target market, creating a marketing plan, developing a financial plan, organizing your business, creating an action plan, and monitoring and adjusting your progress, you can ensure that your business can be a success.

business planA business plan should incorporate all the elements, including your target market's, needs, buying behaviour, competitors, industry trends, products or services and more.

Creating a business plan outlining these steps

A business plan is a written document that outlines the goals, strategies, and actions needed to start a business and grow it successfully. This is part of your Mission Statement

Create a business plan by incorporating all the elements of all these elements. Target market, needs, buying behavior, competitors, industry trends, products or services, etc.

When creating a business plan be sure you write this out long hand in your notebook. Do not just start typing away on the computer.

Not yet.

Simply do an outline. Do not erase any changes or thoughts. Rather, draw a line under them. You may need to revisit them later.

Draw diagrams, and flowcharts.

If you have ever done mind mapping, then this is the time to rediscover this powerful thought-provoking tool.

This should include a section on how you will reach and engage your target market. How to develop and build brand awareness.

Also, how you are going to drive sales? What the sales team will look like. A timeline to employ and train sales staff.

Then put together a financial strategy. This will include start-up costs, ongoing expenses and revenue projections.

Be as detailed as you can be.

This will, or could double as a financial presentation to be presented to investors or to apply for a bank loan. This will help you secure the funding you may need to start and grow your business.

Organize your business

Again in the notebook, hand-write a clear, well-structured business organization plan that includes systems and processes, and policy documents that support your business with an action plan.

How to Create an Action Plan

Outline the specific steps you will take to achieve your goals, including timelines and milestones. 

Write the plan. Put all the above elements of a business plan into a written document that is easy to understand, well-structured, and well-organized.

Review and refine

Review your plan regularly, make adjustments as needed, and be prepared to pivot when necessary based on changes in the market or your business environment.

Remember, a business plan is not a static document. You should review and update it regularly as your business grows and develops.

A well-written and comprehensive business plan is a critical tool for the success and growth of your business.

Get yourself a mentor asap. Write it in your to-do-list with a call to action flag.

mentor with grey hairA mentor can be a valuable assistant to help write your business plan. This saves an enormous amount of time, energy and money.

Use a Business Mentor

A mentor can be a valuable assistant to help write your business plan.

This saves enormous time, energy and money.

A mentor can be extremely helpful in writing a business plan. A mentor who has experience in starting and growing businesses can provide valuable guidance and advice on how to develop a solid plan. 

They can help you refine your business idea, clarify and articulate your vision, goals, and strategies, and ensure that it aligns your business plan with your aspirations. 

A mentor can help you gather and analyze data on your target market, competitors, and industry trends. Develop your marketing and financial plans according to elements of a business plan you have created.

They can also provide insights and advice on how to create a marketing plan that will reach and engage your target market, and on how to develop a financial plan that accurately reflects your start-up costs, ongoing expenses, and revenue projections. 

A mentor can help you identify and overcome the challenges and roadblocks that will arise as you develop your business. And provide guidance on how to changes to keep your business on track. 

They may also introduce you to a network of business owners, investors, and experts who can provide you with additional resources and support as you start and grow your business.

Having a mentor who can provide guidance, support, and accountability can make all the difference in the success of your business.

When writing a business plan, it is important to seek input and advice from those who have been there before, and a mentor can provide valuable insights and recommendations to help you create a solid and actionable plan.

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Story Time

I always like to leave you with a true story. I have changed the names and places to protect the innocent:)

Jonathon had always dreamed of starting his own business. After years of working for others and hating his job, he finally took the plunge and started a small advisory consulting firm.

His passion.

As he dove into the day-to-day operations, he quickly realized he needed help.

He turned to a seasoned mentor, Jack, who had a head full of grey hair and a lifetime of business experience.

Jack worked with Jonathon to build a comprehensive business plan, financial plan, and plan of action.

They spent weeks hammering out the elements of a business plan in detail and ensuring everything was in order.

As they worked, Jack emphasized the importance of setting clear timelines for each step of the process.

They identified when they would need to hire additional staff, including salespeople, to help grow the business.

Jonathon was determined to make his business a success, and with Jack’s guidance, he focused on working on his business rather than in it.

He delegated tasks to his team and trusted them to handle day-to-day operations while he focused on strategy and long-term growth.

As the months went by, Jonathon’s business flourish.

He hired a sales team and watched as his revenue increased. He was grateful for Jack’s mentorship and knew he could not have achieved his success without his guidance.

Looking back, Jonathon realized that the most valuable lesson Jack taught him was the importance of seeking help when needed. He knew he had made the right decision by turning to a mentor with grey hair and a wealth of experience to help him build his business.


A mentor can play a crucial role in developing and creating a business plan and the ultimate success of your business plan. A mentor who has experience in starting and growing businesses can provide valuable guidance and advice on how to create a solid business plan that accurately reflects the elements of a business plan, incorporating your - business aspirations, market trends, and financial projections.

They can help you refine your business idea, conduct market research, develop your marketing and financial plans, identify and overcome challenges, and connect you with resources that can support you as you start and grow your business. Having a mentor who can provide guidance, support, and accountability can make all the difference in the success of your business, and it is important to seek input and advice from those who have been there before.

Go you good thing. Do it!

Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.

cliff climber

Confidence comes from experience

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