How to handle business stress is something you will have to confront when starting your business.
Startups create stress, pressure, and frustration which are not normally felt in an employed situation.
According to the Gallup Wellbeing Index, a whopping 45% of business owners say stress is an issue.
There’s a saying that goes: Entrepreneurs don’t finish when they are tired. They finish when the job is done.
Typically, a business that has yet to achieve any profitability. The pressure comes from multiple sources: external factors - such as investors, customers and competitors and internal forces - such as family members, partners, and personal pressures brought on by working long hours (or taking on too much).
Guidance can be anything from counselling services provided by community aid to individual sessions with a mentor.
With the increase in the number of startups, there has been an increase in the number of people working in them brings employee pressure.
For most people, this can be a great opportunity, as it offers an opportunity to work in a challenging and exciting environment. However, managing and training your employees also pose several challenges and pressures, which can be stressful and frustrating.
The benefits of working on your business are many. First, a startup is often a fast-paced and a dynamic environment, which is sure to test a person’s skills and talents.
Second, there is a high level of creativity and innovation involved in startups, which is a great opportunity to ply your skills.
Finally, working in a startup often involves a lot of autonomy and flexibility, which is great for personal growth.
How to handle business stress to deal with your startup includes a few fundamental tasks.
Getting guidance on how to avoid and how to handle business stress to deal with pressures and frustrations will include maintaining a positive attitude, setting realistic goals, and keeping a positive outlook.
There are several benefits to working on starting your business, but there are also several challenges and pressures which are stressful and frustrating.
The above tips can help you see how to handle business stress and reduce the amount of stress and pressure encountered, and allow everyone to enjoy the benefits a startup can offer.
How to handle business stress of small business ownership
Stress is an enormous problem for all small business owners. A third say they are too busy to even think about supporting mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. And almost half believe that they should do more.
There is no escaping the fact of starting your business and getting it up and running can be one of the most stressful things you can do.
There are steps to address issues causing the stress. Here are a few.
It doesn’t matter what your business is, your employees are your most important asset.
Staff management and training is a major cause of stress. Getting the right team while creating harmony and being productive is not a simple thing.
As a business owner, you need to create the quality of the team to power your business. Giving guidance, training, and feedback gives your team the pathway to improve and consequently improve your business.
Nurture and care for your employees. Remember… they are your greatest asset… train and support them.
As Richard Branson said: “If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your business”.
A happy employee gives better productivity, creates less staff turnover, is eager to learn more specialist knowledge, gain more responsibility for the business success and a strong business brand. Customers will get a great buying experience using your services and products.
Many entrepreneurs have discovered administrative issues are a major stress in their business. The average small business can spend between 50 - 100 hours a month working on tax, employment contracts, employee benefits, recruitment and training schedules and occupational health and safety issues, just to name a few. This stress can be detrimental to your personal well-being and your business health. Learning how to control stress with systems and processes is one of the keys to overcoming this.
Find a part-time assistant or a virtual assistance capable of taking over administrative issues and delegate the task.
Consider outsourcing. Outsource specialist tasks, such as tax, accounts, financial planning and business advice etc. are a significant investment in your business. Remember, keep working on our business, not in your business.
Success and failure impact your business’s future. It is a big load to carry. It’s always on your mind.
Control your emotions. Don’t feel ashamed. Express your feelings. Let your team know what’s on your mind. Communicate openly and this will show your level of commitment to the business and your team. You are the risk-taker. The ‘buck’ starts and ends with you. It has been my experience this is a pivotal stage of team building and team commitment.
Understanding we are all in this together. Your team will appreciate your candidacy and openness.
Having an experienced business mentor can provide confidence and guidance in managing and identifying your emotions and creating a positive path forward. Do not take this lightly. This is important and separates the successful from the ‘could have been’.
Poor cash flow and debt are one of the top reasons your business can fail. Staying on top of your business expenses is a major priority and stressful. How to handle business stress by knowing where you sit financially is good business practise. This may not come naturally to everyone, but understanding your business earning revenue and operation expenses means you are well placed to make good business decisions fast and accurately. Again, this is an authentic example of working on your business, not in your business.
Customers are the oxygen of your company and they know it. Ensure you keep them happy. Make this absolutely clear and that all the team understands this. Have it posted on the walls
“The Customer is King”.
Nothing happens until a sale is made.
No happy customer, no profit. No profit. No business.
Be clear on your business offering and what you deliver. When they know what to expect, they will be happy with the result. They are the King.
Your customer doesn’t really care how much you know, rather how much you care.
A good rule is to under-promise and over-deliver. Communication is key. Communicate what to expect from your product or service. Gather feedback whenever it’s possible.
Sometimes business owners feel like impostors. This is not unusual. Every business owner, when starting your business has the feeling of inadequacies.
Dealing with your business and how to handle business stress on a daily basis can feel like you’re not really qualified. This is a real thing, it’s called impostor syndrome. As a mentor and business owner for over 35 years, I can tell you it’s part of your learning curve. It is just a confidence thing. Easily overcome. Trust me.
Really, it’s just the adage of be true to yourself and being open with your customers. Never take yourself too seriously. Have fun with it. Embrace your shortcomings. Ask for help when you need it. Get yourself a mentor as soon as possible. No, get yourself a mentor as your number one priority. This is the best investment you will ever make in your business. Just do it. Do it NOW!!!!
Starting your business and running your own business is time-consuming. So many tasks ‘must’ be done, it feels like there’s never enough time.
How to handle business stress with your time schedules forces many business owners into working long hours, which can affect your health and mental well-being. Be cognisant of this stress.
Get your self a good time management process and always make sure it is congruent with your business and personal goals.
Simplifying your processes can make your workload more manageable.
Make time for yourself. Discipline yourself to take breaks and learn how to manage your mindset can make an enormous difference. It’s proven to help you become more productive!
You can often find yourself multitasking. Squeezing tasks between ever-increasing workloads and time demands seems to be the only answer.
Multitasking has developed into believing you are being ‘productive’.
Do not believe this. Never has and never will. Multitasking is the trait of a failure. You’ve heard the saying of…. jack of all trades and master of none.
Multitasking is counterproductive. I guarantee it to reduce your productivity, increase stress and anxiety, and can even cause depression. How to control stress of this nature is to eliminate it.
Stay away from this BS.
So there you have it, a few points on how-to-control-stress in your business and what to look for, and how to deal with them. Take what works and move on. Maybe re-visit this page from time to time and see if there might be something you missed.
Experience isn't the best teacher, experience is the only teacher.
Confidence comes from experience