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Mentor Minutes, August Newsletter
August 01, 2024
Good Morning

August 2024 Newsletter

What Are You Waiting For?

How much of our lives do we spend waiting?

Reading time 3 minutes

Have you ever stopped to consider how much of our lives we spend waiting?

From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, we’re caught in an endless cycle of anticipation.

We wait for the alarm to ring, for the coffee to brew, for the bus to arrive, and for the workday to end.

We wait in line at the grocery store, the doctor’s surgery, and in traffic. We wait for weekends, vacations, promotions, and ultimately, retirement.

This constant state of waiting has become so ingrained in our daily routines that we hardly notice it anymore. It’s as if we’ve accepted that life is just a series of intervals between one wait and the next.

What if we changed our perspective?

What if we actively pursue the things we want and dreams we have, instead of passively waiting for things to happen?

The question “What are you waiting for?” takes on a whole new meaning when you shift your mindset from passive acceptance to proactive engagement. It becomes a call to action, a challenge to seize the moment and make the most of your time.

Consider this: while you’re waiting for your “big break” or the “perfect moment” to start that project you’ve been dreaming about, time is marching on. Truth is, there’s never going to be a perfect time. Life is unpredictable, and opportunities don’t always announce themselves with fanfare. Sometimes, you need to create your own opportunities.

So, what if you flipped the script?

Instead of asking, “What am I waiting for?” ask, “What am I working towards?”

This simple change in perspective can have a profound impact on how you approach your goals and aspirations.

When you focus on what you’re working towards, you shift your energy from passive waiting to active doing. You see each moment as an opportunity to take a step, no matter how small. This proactive approach allows you to progress while “waiting” for other things to fall into place.
Instead of waiting, focus on skill development, networking, or starting a side hustle. Instead of waiting for inspiration, commit to writing a few paragraphs to complete ‘that book’.

By adopting this proactive mindset, you transform waiting time into productive time. The commute becomes an opportunity to listen to educational podcasts or brainstorm ideas.

The queue at the grocery store becomes a chance to plan your next meal or catch up with a friend via text.
Waiting rooms can be turned into impromptu offices with the help of a smartphone or tablet.

Waiting often comes with a sense of powerlessness and frustration. You feel at the mercy of external factors beyond your control.

The shift in perspective can have a positive impact on your mental well-being.

When you focus on what you can do rather than what you’re waiting for, you regain a sense of purpose.

Detailing a plan to achieve the things you want, knowing that progress will come soon, can be a powerful motivator. It breaks down the overwhelming prospect of a distant goal into manageable, actionable steps. Each step completed is a minor victory, building momentum and confidence as you move forward.

This approach helps you to be more resilient in the face of setbacks. When you’re actively working towards something, obstacles become challenges to overcome rather than reasons to give up. You’re more likely to persevere because you’re invested, not just waiting for the result.

So, the next time you’re waiting, ask yourself: “What am I waiting for?” Then, challenge yourself to reframe that question into “What can I do right now to move closer to my goals?” You might be surprised at how many opportunities you find to progress, even when waiting.

Remember, life doesn’t happen to us; it happens because of us. You are the author of your own story, the master of your destiny. Don’t wait for life to begin–it’s happening right now. What are you waiting for? The time to act is always now. That's it from me for another month. I look forward to catching up in September.

In the meantime be kind to yourselves.

Remember - Life is short.

Stay healthy and do what you do best.

P.S. Here is my latest page of content:- How-to-make-extra-money.html

Email me.

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